How long does a fresh truffle last?

An important part of using fresh truffles is taking care of and storing them properly. Due to the short shelf life, and steep prices of truffles, it is crucial to keep them in their best condition for as long as possible.

How soon should you use a fresh truffle?
Firstly, and most importantly, make sure your truffles are as fresh as possible when you buy them. Fresh truffles will keep 1-2 weeks if stored properly, however the flavor and aroma will be reduced by half after about 5 days. Depending on where you get your truffles from, they can already be a week or two old by the time they get to your kitchen. Fresh truffles have a short shelf life and should be used shortly after you get them. If you cannot use the whole truffle, look at preserving the truffle in oil until you are ready to use the rest. High quality Black and White truffles are best within 5 days of being brought home or after receiving a shipment. The Burgundy or Autumn Truffle have a slightly longer shelf life of up to 2 weeks. As truffles age the carbohydrates begin to break down causing them to lose moisture and their precious aroma.

How to tell if a Truffle is still good to use?
Fresh truffles should be firm with a very slight give. When the carbohydrates break down, they cause the truffle to lose moisture and become spongy. Truffles are typically more than 70% water and will naturally lose 2-3% of their weight per day. Over time, they will soften a little and there is nothing wrong with them at this point. When the truffle has become soft, spongy, and mushy, then you know it is no longer good to use.

How should I store a fresh Truffle?
It is best to store fresh truffles in the refrigerator, in an airtight container. Wrap each truffle individually in a dry paper towel, and make sure to change the paper towel daily. Use the smallest container, you have that will fit the truffle(s) in it without leaving extra room for air exposure is ideal. If you would like to try another method, a great one is to put a layer of clean, dry rice in the bottom of a jar or container and place the truffle on top, before placing it in the fridge. Vacuum sealing the truffle can help prevent bacteria from breaking down your truffle and extend the shelf life.

Pro Tip: Preserving your truffles in oil is a traditional method for keeping your truffles longer. Place your Truffle or left over truffle pieces into a jar or container and cover it with Olive oil or any other neutral cooking oil of your choice. Oil will preserve the truffle’s flavor and aroma, the fresh truffle oil you just made can then be used in cooking and to enhance the flavor of your dish. Safely stored in oil, and kept away from heat or light, a truffle can have an extended shelf life of up to 2 years.